

1. Search for and open the Software & Updates app. · 2. Next, tick all checkboxes under the Ubuntu Software tab except for the Source Code ...

Install gnome-tweak-tool

First, we need to enable universe repository. To do this, open Software and Update via application menu. Mark all universe repositories from ...

Ubuntu桌面美化教程(GNOME Tweak Tool安装教程) 原创

默认情况下,Ubuntu 11.10 的“系统设置–外观”中只能对系统主题、桌面背景进行调整,要完全美化GNOME 3,需要安装Gnome Tweak Tool。使用以下命令安装Gnome ...

Gnome Tweak Tool - Desktop

There is a new version of GNOME Tweaks available for GNOME 45, but I ran out of time to update it in time for Ubuntu 23.10.

Installing Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa step by step ...

Execute the following command to install Tweak Tool on your Ubuntu 20.04 system: sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool Use activities and search for tweak keyword ...

Install and Use GNOME Tweak Tool in Ubuntu and Other Linux

Learn to install GNOME Tweak too in Ubuntu. You'll also learn how to use GNOME Tweaks to customize your Linux desktop.

How to install Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa Linux

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install GNOME Tweaks on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Linux. You'll also see how to open the application so ...

How to install Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish Linux

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install GNOME Tweaks on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish. You will also see how to open the application so you can begin ...

How to install Unity tweak tool and themes in Ubuntu 20.04?

The answer to installing lens apps is here. Partway down, it shows how to install the tweak tool: sudo apt install unity-lens-applications sudo apt install ...

How to Install and Use GNOME Tweaks on Ubuntu?

In this article, we'll explore all the essential steps and requirements to Install and Use GNOME Tweaks on Ubuntu effectively.


1.SearchforandopentheSoftware&Updatesapp.·2.Next,tickallcheckboxesundertheUbuntuSoftwaretabexceptfortheSourceCode ...,First,weneedtoenableuniverserepository.Todothis,openSoftwareandUpdateviaapplicationmenu.Markalluniverserepositoriesfrom ...,默认情况下,Ubuntu11.10的“系统设置–外观”中只能对系统主题、桌面背景进行调整,要完全美化GNOME3,需要安装GnomeTweakTool。使用以下命令安装Gnome ...,Therei...